The ASUS G53SW is a powerful notebook and arguably one of the best 15-inch gaming machines currently on the market for the value. Excellent performance especially with the second-generation Intel Core i7 quad-core processor, 8GB of RAM, and its powerful Nvidia GTX 460M graphics card with a whopping 1.5GB of its own memory. The dual cooling fans keep the unit running cool and quiet. The laptop’s sleek design imitates a stealth bomber aircraft, especially the rear with its recessed and upward-angled cooling exhaust ports. The G53J notebook is quite unique; the only notebook to get more attention from onlookers is Alienware laptops . Most of the G53's touchable surfaces are covered in a rubber finish, which feels great and adds to the long-term durability. The notebook is appreciably absent of glossy plastic. The G53J notebook is constructed entirely of plastic. The areas around the chassis are solid though cave in slightly under pressure. The lid is...